Making Waves: The People and Places of Iowa Broadcasting


Making Waves: The People and Places of Iowa Broadcasting


Today, we can hardly imagine a time without broadcasting. Hear more about how radio and television exploded onto the scene in the 20th century at the next UnityPoint Health – Grinnell Regional Medical Center Senior Education Program on Monday, Oct. 22. Jeff Stein of Humanities Iowa will treat listeners to a lively performance about how radio and television completely changed our lives.

In his presentation “Making Waves: The People and Places of Iowa Broadcasting,” based on his book by the same name, Stein will take listeners back to the earliest days of radio and television, highlighted by original broadcasts, photos and memorabilia. The audience will hear about some of Iowa’s most memorable stations and broadcasters.

Stein is an author, historian and broadcaster. A 2011 recipient of The National Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History, he is recognized as the foremost broadcast historian in Iowa. His daily radio feature on Iowa history, “Iowa Almanac,” airs on two dozen stations around the state, including KGRN in Grinnell. His daily interview program can be heard weekday afternoons on News/Talk 1540 KXEL, a 50,000-watt radio station based in Waterloo, where he serves as news and program director.

This program is free and open to the public. It will be held at 10 a.m. in the Drake Community Library, with refreshments beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Parking is available at the Drake Community Library, along Park Street, on Fifth Avenue, and in the First Presbyterian Church parking lot. Seniors needing transportation may call GRMC Communications and Development at 641-236-2593 by the Thursday before the program.