Grinnell-Newburg Weekly Update: October 21, 2021

Janet Stutz
Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families, and Friends:

Fall weather is upon us! The blustery winds and light rain have required many to start looking for fall jackets and hats. Potential frost has been forecasted Friday in the early am hours. 

It is hard to believe that we have one more full week of school during the month of October!  Time will pass quickly as we enter the next few months of school, and before you know it, we will be in 2022.   

Thank you to all of our families who participated in conferences this week. Today is an early dismissal day and there is no school tomorrow for students. Thus the reason for the weekly update to go out today as a reminder.   

COVID update: 

This week the County’s COVID numbers have decreased to 5.1% for the 14-day rate. However, the three-day positivity rate is 8.3%. Grinnell’s positivity rate shows 5.2% for 14 positivity rates and 6 % for the three-day rate. We will continue to review COVID weekly and share information regarding the spread. Please continue to wear your mask, wash your hands, and stay home if you are ill. Together we can limit the spread of the virus. Here is the complete document that we have received from the Iowa Department of Health.  Copy of COVID data (007).xlsx

Booster Shot Interest for Grinnell Newburg District Employees Only:    

We expect the Moderna booster shot to become available to all of our district employees in the next few weeks. Please complete the google form emailed to your Grinnell Account if you are interested in the booster shot. If there is enough interest here in the district, then we will host a clinic like we did this past Spring. This first clinic will be for employees only.   As IDPH releases additional criteria and availability, we will send an interest survey out to families if this is determined a need. I will keep you posted on further information once I receive more information from the Iowa Department of Public Health.  

Flu Shot Clinic: October 27, 2021, at High School

There will be a flu vaccine clinic from 3:30-6:00 at GHS in the main gym. Please enter the north entrance athletic doors and make your way to the main gym for sign-up.  

Repurpose Statement Vote November 2, 2021:

Support SAVE for the Grinnell-Newburg Community School District: A win-win for students and taxpayers

The Grinnell-Newburg Community School District will be conducting a special election on Tuesday, November 2, to reauthorize our Revenue Purpose Statement for SAVE funds (Secure an Advanced Vision for Education). The current statement will expire January 1, 2031, for all school districts in the state, as a result of the 2019 Iowa Legislature extending the use of revenue from the SAVE (sales tax) through January 1, 2051. The Revenue Purpose Statement does NOT increase anyone’s taxes. The Revenue Purpose Statement allows the district’s voters to authorize and direct the local school board to spend their share of the revenue generated from the sales tax funds collected across the state. All districts in the state will have to pass a repurpose statement. Here are some of the items that we use SAVE dollars to fund. Without this extension, we would not be able to maintain our facilities, transportation, security, and technology to name a few.  

  • Purchasing Buses for Student Use, including school buses with improved safety equipment that keeps both public and nonpublic students safer on the way to school and on the way home
  • Purchasing one to one technology devices for students and staff
  • Purchasing and Installing Security Cameras throughout the district, along with security devices on doors for approved entry into the school buildings
  • Masonry, Electrical and Mechanical updates at each of the five buildings
  • Heat pumps and boiler updates at the Middle School
  • High School and Middle School Bleachers and the High School Track and Tennis Courts
  • Carpet at the elementary and Middle School buildings
  • Improved Lighting in Hallways and Classrooms
Water Bottles:

Thanks to a generous donation by Bayer, approximately 2,000 custom water bottles were donated to the district so that every student and staff member could have a new reusable water bottle. All district drinking fountains remain off during the pandemic, yet refillable water stations are available in each building. Students will be given their new bottles this week. Please help your student remember to bring them back to school each day so they can stay hydrated and healthy! 

Thank you to Bayer for our water bottles!

water bottles
Davis waterbottle donation
high school water bottle donation
Emergency Drill:

Thank you to all of our staff at GHS and volunteer students for participating in the emergency management drill this past Tuesday. This drill was beneficial to our administrative staff, Grinnell Police and Fire Department, and hospital emergency crew. The problem-solving meeting following the exercise was valuable, and many lessons were learned as we worked through this drill to prepare our community in the event of a real emergency.   

Have you looked at what is on the virtual backpack? It can be found here!  
Activities Calendar: Please follow this link to see activities for next week. 

Have an Awesome Weekend!   

Go Tigers! 
