Hotchkins Grand Marshalls for 4th of July Parade in Grinnell


We’re excited to announce the 2022 4th of July Grand Marshals: Mike and Doris Hotchkin! As longtime Grinnellians, the Hotchkins have a commitment to community service, good natured demeanor and genuine desire to better the Grinnell community. 

We received many incredible and worthy nominations this year, and are excited to recognize Mike and Doris for their longtime volunteerism and passion for Grinnell. 

Parade starts at 5PM on Monday, July 4 and will begin at Hamilton Avenue and Broad Street, heading north to 10th Avenue, east to Penrose Street. We’re still looking for volunteers to help us organize line up. If you are able to help us from 3:30-5PM please send us a message or give us a call. Float registrations are still being accepted at

This year’s parade is sponsored by Grinnell CollegeREMAX Partners RealtyClarity Eyecare and @Kinetic by Windstream.