Grinnell United Methodist Church adds solar to empower ministry


Grinnell— Grinnell United Methodist Church (916 5th Avenue, Grinnell, IA 50112) will continue building on a strong history of environmental stewardship by adding solar energy as a power source. A new 120 bifacial 450-watt solar panel installation is now a testament to the congregation’s commitment to creation care.

The local church had previously installed a geothermal system for heating and cooling which eliminated the building’s dependency on gas and propane. Lighting for the property has also been updated with high efficiency technology options.

“We’re thankful that we have the ability to invest in renewable energy now so that we can save later,” said the Rev. Eric Schubert who serves as the local church’s pastor.

Grinnell United Methodist Church anticipates that the solar panels will reduce their power bills by more than half. The significant savings will allow the staff to reduce operation costs to fuel more ministry efforts for decades to come.

“We recognize Scripture’s continuous reminders of the beauty of God’s creation, as well as our calling to care for God’s creation as God cares for us. This care includes all things – our resources, our planet, and people. We are doing our best to live into a world that is sustainable,” noted Rev. Schubert. “I am thankful for the history of The United Methodist Church that has shaped Grinnell UMC to be a place that values our solar panels and other aspects of our creation care.”

Grinnell United Methodist Church holds services every Sunday at 8 am and 10:30 am. To learn more, visit or