Grinnell – Newburg CSD Weekly Update: October 8, 2021

Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families, and Friends:

Happy Friday! I hope that this weekly update finds you well as we complete the first week of October! It has been a busy week! I look forward to seeing more trees emerge in our town over this weekend as the Imagine Grinnell team begins to plant trees throughout our community. Be sure to thank the crews out as they work to beautify our community following the Derecho Storm of 2020.  

Repurpose Statement Vote to be held on November 2, 2021:

Support SAVE for the Grinnell-Newburg Community School District: A win-win for students and taxpayers

The Grinnell-Newburg Community School District will be conducting a special election on Tuesday, November 2 to reauthorize our Revenue Purpose Statement for SAVE funds (Secure an Advanced Vision for Education). The current statement will expire January 1, 2031, for all school districts in the state, as a result of the 2019 Iowa Legislature extending the use of revenue from the SAVE (sales tax) through January 1, 2051. The Revenue Purpose Statement does NOT increase anyone’s taxes. The Revenue Purpose Statement allows the voters of the district to authorize and direct the local school board to spend their share of the revenue generated from the sales tax funds collected across the state. All districts in the state will have to pass a repurpose statement. Here are some of the items that we use SAVE dollars to fund. Without this extension, we would not be able to maintain our facilities, transportation, security, and technology to name a few.  

  • Purchasing Buses for Student Use, including school buses with improved safety equipment that keeps both public and nonpublic students safer on the way to school and on the way home
  • Purchasing one to one technology devices for students and staff
  • Purchasing and Installing Security Cameras throughout the district, along with security devices on doors for approved entry into the school buildings
  • Masonry, Electrical and Mechanical updates at each of the five buildings
  • Heat pumps and boiler updates at the Middle School
  • High School and Middle School Bleachers and the High School Track and Tennis Courts
  • Carpet at the elementary and Middle School buildings
  • Improved Lighting in Hallways and Classrooms

Covid Update IDPH: This information was provided by Public Health

Meeting on Pfizer Data on Its COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 5-11

The FDA anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 years of age. In anticipation of the request, the FDA is moving forward with scheduling an advisory committee meeting on Oct. 26 to inform the agency’s decision-making.

As soon as we learn more about vaccines for children under the age of 12, we will update you on this topic.   

Here are the numbers this week: The 14-day positivity rate in the county is 13.2%.   Three day rate in the county is 5.6%.  Grinnell’s positivity rate is lower than last week. We have noticed fewer absences in the last week. We have had three positive cases reported in the last week in the district. Here is the chart provided to us by the Iowa Department of Public Health for our county. 

Copy of COVID data (005).xlsx

Professional development recap:

I want to thank our staff for providing feedback for the recent professional development day that was held on October 4. Please be sure to provide feedback if you have not done so yet. The survey closes next Friday. We are working with our Professional Development Trainers to adjust any training to meet the needs of our staff. Your feedback is important to us. Thank you for taking the time to complete this Google form. The form was sent to you via email to district staff who attended.  

Facilities Ad hoc Committee:  

Recently the Board of Education held a workshop regarding the facility audit. We are looking for staff, community members, parents, and businesses to sign up via this Google Form to provide feedback regarding the next steps for our school facilities. Representatives from CMBA and Boyd Jones will be joining us to assist in answering questions. The meeting will be held on October 25, 2021, at 6:00 PM in the High School Library.   

Meals from the Heartland:

The Meals from the Heartland food packaging event will be on Oct. 22 at the Bayer offsite warehouse- 2021 6th Ave. Shifts are from 9:30-10:30 and 10:40-11:40. The meals are Taco Mac and will be available for families and individuals in Poweshiek County. Food pantries, churches, Tiger Packs, and others will be able to distribute.

A Visit with Bailey Park Second Grade Students:

We had visitors here from Apple to observe how our staff are using devices in the classroom in our 1:1 Learning Environment. Thank you second grade teacher Mrs. Gruman for sharing a reading lesson for us to observe. Mrs. Gruman Shared with us how she uses Keynote, highlighting text for close reading to instruct students as they retold a story. She then air dropped the lesson to all students. An extension lesson for students on their devices closed the lesson. Students provided immediate feedback via their devices. Mrs. Gruman explained, “This way of teaching our reading lessons is a game changer for me and my students.” The ease of using these devices and student engagement was evident in the classroom! Thank you for sharing your lesson with our guests!   

Apple lesson
Ipad learning
classroom questions
Middle School Volleyball
Middle school volleyball
volleyball eighth grade
We have several open full-time and part-time positions in the Nutrition Services Department.  

     -Davis Elementary Head Cook (7 hours/day)

     -High School Kitchen Worker (6 hours/day)

     -High School Kitchen Worker (3.5 hours/day

     -Middle School Kitchen Worker (3.5 hours/day)

Please apply at

Have you looked at what is on the virtual backpack?   It can be found here!  
Activities Calendar: Please follow this link to see activities for next week. 

Have a spectacular weekend!  

