Grinnell – Newburg CSD Weekly Update: October 15, 2021

Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families, and Friends:

Yesterday we disseminated a message to all families at the high school and posted it on the district Facebook page regarding an unfounded threat after an investigation. Please know that we take all threats seriously and collaborate with the police department to ensure that any accusations are investigated while meeting families of those students who are directly involved. The principal will disseminate a message to families as soon as possible, pending the assessment of the situation. If this had been a real-time threat or concern, a voice reach would have been sent to all families in our district with information.  

We encourage you to contact the building administrator if you have questions, concerns, or learn of any further information about what your students may share with you or what you may see through social media. If you see something, say something to those that can quickly intervene, including our Grinnell Police Department or your building principal. They should be your first point of contact. You may also contact me at any time at

It is Friday Game Day! 

We wish our Tigers the best of luck tonight at their home game and performances this evening. We hope that you join us to cheer on our Tigers.  

This past week a volunteer group raising funds for “Turf” on TT Cranny Field shared their progress. They reported that they are close to raising funds needed for the field and will continue their additional fundraising for amenities. The board agreed to have the architect begin the process for illustrations and drawings to be completed. Thank you to all of our community members for their enthusiasm and assistance to provide Turf.   

Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences are just around the corner.

Conferences will be held on October 21 and October 22. Please check your school announcements for sign-up information. There will be an early on Thursday, October 21 at 1:00, and No School will be held on Friday, October 22, 2021, as conferences will be in session.   

COVID Update:

Currently, the 14-day positivity rate is 10.7% in the county.   The percentage is down this week.  Keep wearing your masks, wash your hands and stay home if you are ill.   

Flu Shot Clinic: October 27, 2021, at High School

There will be a flu vaccine clinic from 3:30-6:00 at GHS in the main gym. Please enter the north entrance athletic doors and make your way to the main gym for sign-up.  

Repurpose Statement Vote November 2, 2021:

Support SAVE for the Grinnell-Newburg Community School District: A win-win for students and taxpayers.

The Grinnell-Newburg Community School District will be conducting a special election on Tuesday, November 2, to reauthorize our Revenue Purpose Statement for SAVE funds (Secure an Advanced Vision for Education). The current statement will expire January 1, 2031, for all school districts in the state, as a result of the 2019 Iowa Legislature extending the use of revenue from the SAVE (sales tax) through January 1, 2051. The Revenue Purpose Statement does not increase anyone’s taxes. The Revenue Purpose Statement allows the district’s voters to authorize and direct the local school board to spend their share of the revenue generated from the sales tax funds collected across the state. All districts in the state will have to pass a repurpose statement. Here are some of the items that we use SAVE dollars to fund. Without this extension, we would not be able to maintain our facilities, transportation, security, and technology, to name a few.  

  • Purchasing Buses for Student Use, including school buses with improved safety equipment that keeps both public and nonpublic students safer on the way to school and on the way home
  • Purchasing one to one technology devices for students and staff
  • Purchasing and Installing Security Cameras throughout the district, along with security devices on doors for approved entry into the school buildings
  • Masonry, Electrical and Mechanical updates at each of the five buildings
  • Heat pumps and boiler updates at the Middle School
  • High School and Middle School Bleachers and the High School Track and Tennis Courts
  • Carpet at the elementary and Middle School buildings
  • Improved Lighting in Hallways and Classrooms
Above & Beyond: Tiger Football Coaching Staff

Congratulations to the Tiger Football Coaching Staff for being recognized at this past week’s meeting.   Coaches: Stenberg, Meints, Wardenburg, Sharp, T. Smith, and J. Smith were celebrated for stepping up for the Tiger team and bringing passion to the program!   Way to go, Coaches!  You Rock!  Thank you so much for being so dedicated, and we are so fortunate to have these educators as leaders for our student-athletes both on and off the field.   

Tiger football coaches

Swim Meet: Although it was pretty warm on the pool deck at last night’s meet, it is always enjoyable watching our swimmers and divers compete! Such a fun team to watch!   

varsity meet
ready to race

Dig Pink Night at GHS to raise funds and awareness for cancer. As each athlete stepped out onto the court, the fans heard the name that each player supported as one who either survived cancer or lost the battle to cancer. This tribute was very moving. I want to thank the coaches and players for honoring those lives that have been touched by this terrible disease.  

Dig pink
Varsity volleyball
Have you looked at what is on the virtual backpack?   It can be found here!  
Activities Calendar: Please follow this link to see activities for next week. 

Go Tigers!  Hope to see you at the game!

