Grinnell College spring community mini-grant program awards $22,200 in grants to local initiatives


Grants support local projects enhancing the quality of life in Grinnell

GRINNELL, Iowa – This spring, Grinnell College awarded community mini-grants totaling $22,200 to six local initiatives. Since 2002, the mini-grant program has directed over $580,000 to 227 community-driven initiatives.

“I am thrilled for the recipients of this year’s spring mini grants,” said Donnette Ellis, the community relations and grant coordinator at Grinnell College. “The advisory committee has demonstrated remarkable dedication in evaluating each application and providing recommendations for projects that will truly make a difference in the lives of our local residents. We look forward to seeing the impact these initiatives will have on our cherished Grinnell Community.”


Spring 2023 Grant Recipients

Grinnell Area Arts Council – $5000 for a Youth Arts Education Coordinator.  The Youth Arts Education Coordinator will develop and instruct Arts Council youth programming, potentially including summer, evening and weekend classes, events and camps, as well as programs at the Stew Makerspace. The new position and the resulting programming will both enhance the availability of arts education for children in the community, enriching the quality of life for them and their families, and build capacity for the Arts Council by enhancing its youth education revenue stream. This position is specifically directed at expanding youth programming beyond the existing Studio 6 program.


Grinnell Children’s Choir – $1,200 for audio support to enhance the community outreach potential. The Grinnell Children’s Choir will engage a professional sound production company to provide audio services for the Grinnell Children’s Choir performance at Grinnell’s 2023 Jingle Bell Holiday event. This grant will add to the social vitality and quality of life, and provide recreational and educational opportunities for choristers, their families, and the general public. This grant will help to expand outreach to different audiences that would otherwise not be possible because of acoustic limitations.


Grinnell Community Early Learning Center – $4,000 for the center’s Nature Explore Playground Professional Development. The professional development that teachers will receive from this project will strengthen the curriculum at the Grinnell Community Early Learning Center. This education and training will increase knowledge and practices around outdoor nature play experiences for children.


Grinnell Fire Department – $7,500 for the Community CPR Program. The program will provide CPR, AED and first aid training to those in the community who are required to have the training, along with members of the general public who are interested in having the ability to help during a cardiac event. With this grant the department will be able to offer this skill building activity at a very low cost, which will make this learning opportunity beneficial and inclusive for all.


Poweshiek Animal League Shelter – $2,500 for updated fencing. The updated fencing and gate replacement around the perimeter of their 40×50 area is for the safety of both the animals and the visitors in this outdoor space. Improving the outdoor space will make interaction with potential adoptable animals a better experience for all.


The Mayflower – $2,000 for the Grinnell Railway Express renovation. This grant will help replace the model railroad layout of ‘old Grinnell’ that has been in place for 21 years with an emphasis on a realistic working regional layout of Poweshiek and Jasper Counties. The facility and working train display showcases Grinnell’s local history and adds to the visitor experience.


Fall 2023 Community Mini-Grant Applications

Grinnell College is now accepting applications for the fall cycle of community mini-grants. Grant applications are due by Friday, October 27, 2023 with awards being announced Friday, December 8, 2023. A volunteer committee of faculty, staff, local Grinnell College students, and community members will review the applications. Preference is given to proposals that leverage collaborative partnerships within the community. Grants typically range from $1,000 to $7,500. For more information or to download an application, visit:, or contact the Office of Community Partnerships, Planning, and Research at 641-269-3900. If interested in serving on the review committee, please contact Donnette Ellis at 641-269-3900.

About Grinnell College Mini-Grants

Since 2002, the Grinnell College mini-grants program has awarded grants ranging from $1,000 to $7,500, supporting local initiatives to enhance the quality of life in our community by addressing issues of importance to the campus and community at large. Grants are awarded to organizations working to enhance the social and economic vitality of our community, including cultural, recreational, and educational projects; those addressing human needs; and those enhancing the safety and beauty of our surroundings. Recognizing that local organizations are critical to identify and develop the community’s quality-of-life initiatives, the program also supports efforts that strengthen organizational capacity.

About Grinnell College