To The Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families and Friends:


Happy First Day of School! We officially kicked off the 2019-20 school year today as we welcomed our students and families back to school! There were so many smiling faces entering our doors, some tears (mostly from our kindergarten parents) and a spirit of joy as students met their teachers and staff! The first day of school is my favorite day of the school year!   

This week was filled with fun, professional development, and team building as we focused on building better relationships with each other as colleagues, that will further enhance our connections with students. If you have not seen our activities from this past Tuesday check out #WeAreGrinnell on Twitter.  

Our opening day events were planned and facilitated by a committee of 32 staff members throughout the district. I want to thank all of them for taking the time to plan our day together. I would like to thank our business partners for your support as our activities took us to all parts of Grinnell.  

Opening day activities for ALL staff:  

You can listen to this live performance from my twitter feed @_Drstutz 

It was awesome! 

Today we welcomed our students to school!   It was a beautiful day, the weather was great, and students were eager to be with their teachers!  Check out the photos below where we were able to catch those smiles!

Students getting warmed up for their first day of learning!   

Davis students are ready for a new school year!   I heard that they had quite a dance party before entering their school! 

Kindergarten Connected PTO BBQ:

Connected PTO is once again planning on having our annual Kindergarten BBQ. We would like to invite you and your family out to Central Park Shelter on Thursday, Sept 5 from 5:30-7pm to eat and mingle with our new kindergarten families.

Bus Safety Information for Parents and Community!  Know the rules of the road.

Check out the bus safety requirements for stopping when students are boarding or getting off a school bus! Please use caution when following a school bus. This link provides the requirements for drivers! Check it out and keep our students safe!

Construction Update:

Our summer work is almost nearing the end. There are a few areas in which sidewalks are being fixed, final touches on the boilers are being completed, and some masonry work is being finalized at the high school. We anticipate that there will be minimal disruptions to complete the final touches! I would like to thank our maintenance crew for your flexibility in order to prepare our schools for open houses and opening day! Great work team! 

Check out the Virtual backpack  

Our virtual backpack features activities, programs, and much more to support our students and their families. This is updated often. Bookmark the page and take a look at it weekly for changes.If you wish to post an item on the back pack send your flier to for approval.  

All school aged children:  Free Program

LEGOs @ the Library After school each Wednesday in September, 3:30pm-5:00pm. All school-aged children are welcome, including preschool!

Snacks and LEGOs will be provided. Opportunity for free play, exploration and imagination!

School Supply donation from Bayer! Thank you!

Upcoming Events:

Friday, August 23

7:00 9th Grade Football Scrimmage @ Iowa City 

8:00 Varsity Football Scrimmage @ Iowa City

Saturday, August 24

8:00 Varsity Volleyball Scrimmage @ Home

Wednesday, August 28

6:00 Board Meeting, GHS board room

Thursday, August 29

5:30 9th Grade Volleyball @ Home

5:30 JV Volleyball @ Home

7:00 Varsity Girls Swimming Meet @ GARC

7:15 Varsity Girls Volleyball @ Home

            Ag Day sponsored by Lions Club Central Park

Have a wonderful weekend!


Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg School District

Amber RobsonAdministrative Assistant to the SuperintendentGrinnell-Newburg Community School District