At the recent Grinnell Regional Public Health flu shot clinic held in The Mayflower Community, approximately 80 Grinnell residents had their flu shots administered by professional staff from Public Health.
It is not too late! According to Public Health, the period of November to January or February experiences the most incidents of flu. To help combat the spread and severity of the disease, UnityPoint-Grinnell Regional Public Health has provided influenza vaccinations around the community. The scheduled clinics are now completed, but it is still possible to get the flu shot at UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center by appointment on November 4th, 13th, or 27th. Call 641-236-2385 for an appointment.
Recipients do not need to be a resident of Iowa to receive the vaccine. It is recommended that everyone who is six months old and over receive the vaccine. The vaccines are usually 100 percent covered by most insurance companies including Medicare and Medicaid, but for the uninsured, the clinic accepts money up front.
So, go get shot!