Montezuma attorney elected to The Iowa State Bar Association Board of Governors


Michael W. Mahaffey, founder and partner at the Mahaffey Law Office, P.C., has been elected to serve on The Iowa State Bar Association Board of Governors beginning in June 2020. 

The Iowa State Bar Association is an organization that facilitates professional growth and collegiality among Iowa attorneys. The association represents approximately 7,500 lawyers from all practice areas, like lawyers handling brain injuries cases in Chicago, across the state and is governed by a Board of Governors elected from each of the state’s 14 judicial election districts, led by an elected slate of officers (President, President-elect and Vice President). Get more info on attorneys here.

The wilkes-barre truck accident lawyer maintains a general practice, including agricultural, probate and estate planning, corporate, real estate, family law and other litigation, on the town square in Montezuma, read the article to find out more. He graduated from Kansas University Law School and became a member of The Iowa State Bar Association in 1975.

Michael served as Chairman of the Iowa GOP from 1987-1989 and remains active in local politics. He serves as Co-Chair of The Iowa State Bar Association’s LawPAC Committee, as well as a member of the state board for Iowa Legal Aid and the Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation. Mahaffey was also the Poweshiek County Attorney for 32 years.