Mayflower’s Langerud Named to Governing Board of LeadingEdge Iowa

Steve Langerud

Steven Langerud has now served since August 1, 2018 as the Executive Director of The Mayflower Community in Grinnell, Iowa. (Pronounced as if the e were at the end of rude. Steve and his wife Karen Veerhusen-Langerud, who is the Director of the Grinnell College Laboratory Preschool, have lived in Grinnell since 1986. 

After serving as dean of experiential education at Grinnell College, Steve traveled the United States as a workplace consultant, providing training, guidance, and facilitation for numerous companies and organizations.

Recently, Steve was elected to the governing board of directors of LeadingAge Iowa, a statewide membership organization of non-profit providers of aging services and supports. The Mayflower Community is a 50-year member of the organization, which has a unique focus on advancement and innovation in senior living and healthcare services.

In addition to the LeadingAge Iowa volunteer role, Steve serves as a Director of the Grinnell Chamber of Commerce, member of the Grinnell Heritage Center Project, member of the Grinnell Community Homelessness task force, facilitator for the Grinnell-Newburg Schools building plans focus groups, founding member of the Healthy Grinnell task force and chief administrator of its Iowa Health Collaborative grant, and member of the Grinnell Music Therapy task force. 

Steve is a Trustee of Maharishi University, Fairfield, Iowa and has facilitated programs for the Iowa Association of Business and Industry Foundation and Leadership Iowa. He coordinates numerous Mayflower collaborations with Grinnell College faculty and students, including a resident database project, a wellness and spirituality study, the open dining software program to organize and present varied menus at Mayflower, various Applied Anthropology research studies, the “Reading with Retirees” program at Davis School, and the utilization of the College-based AmeriCorps Work Study student.

So, why does Steve involve Mayflower is so many community collaborations? Easy. According to Steve, “These endeavors help to strengthen the Grinnell community and, as a result, provide a more healthy environment for Mayflower residents and staff members.”