On October 15th, the two governing boards of The Mayflower Community met jointly to discuss strategic planning issues for Grinnell’s 285-resident senior living and healthcare community. The Mayflower Homes, Inc. Board of Trustees is composed of 11 members who set policy and oversee operations. The Mayflower Homes Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors has 12 members who are responsible for Mayflower’s philanthropy activities and the care and management of Mayflower endowment fund, which provides support for residents whose funds have been depleted.
At the joint meeting, the Trustees and Directors worked together to coordinate their efforts. Pictured are front row, left to right, Orlan Mitchell, Delphina Baumann, Diane Robertson, Kelly Sandquist, Susan Witt, Emily Moore, Rick Ramsey, and Joe Deal. Back row, left to right are Austin Jones, Nancy Agnew, Jeff Finch, Nicole Brua-Behrens, George Britton, Don Schild, Theresa Pagliai, and Bill Yungclas. All are Grinnellians except Joe Deal of Burlington and Bill Yungclas from Ames.
Not pictured are Mark Hudson, Jodi Ryan, Brigit Stevens, Steve Langerud, Scott Beach, Bill Ferguson, and Joann Becker.