March 22-26 is Severe Weather Awareness Week in Iowa


The Poweshiek County Emergency Management Agency, Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD), National Weather Service (NWS), and Iowa Emergency Management Association (IEMA) have joined together to promote Severe Weather Awareness Week in Iowa.

Severe Weather Awareness Week, March 22-26, is an opportunity to highlight the importance of being aware of, and prepared for severe weather. It is during this time that we can prepare for severe weather by learning and understanding what can be done before severe weather occurs, and how to react when severe weather is upon us.

For each day during Severe Weather Awareness Week, a different subject will be featured on our social media accounts, and on our website

  •   Monday- Severe thunderstorms
  •   Tuesday- Weather Warnings
  •   Wednesday- Tornadoes
  •   Thursday- Family preparedness
  •   Friday- Flash floodingThe annual statewide tornado drill will take place on Wednesday March 24th at 11 AM (weather permitting). Schools, businesses, individuals, and governments should participate by exercising their Emergency Response Plans for tornado incidents and seek shelter. During this drill, the municipal sirens will be activated for a full warning cycle. This activation will also serve as the weekly siren test.Page 1 of 2


Severe Weather Awareness Week is a great time to review your family’s and place of employment’s emergency plan and check the contents of your emergency kit. Be sure to include items you may need to protect yourself from COVID-19 such as masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes.

Additional information about the tornado drill can be found on the NWS website at

For more information on severe weather preparedness, visit or

To sign up for the Poweshiek County Emergency Notification System sponsored by Alert Iowa to receive alerts about severe weather and other hazards and emergencies visit and click on the PCENS/Alert Iowa icon.