Harold Tindall Turns 104


Harold Tindall Turns 104

On September 23, 2018, Harold Tindall celebrated his 104thbirthday.  A nativeof New Jersey, Harold moved into a Mayflower Community apartment in theEdwards building in March 2007.  In August 2017, Harold subsequently moved into an apartment in the Beebe Assisted Living building, his current home.

Harold Tindall Turns 104

Born and raised on a dairy farm in Mercer County, New Jersey, Harold spent his entire life in the state before moving to Grinnell.  After working on the farm as a young man, he moved to Trenton NJ where he met and married is wife of 65 years.  Jean died in 2006.  Harold moved to Grinnell to be near his son, the late Dan Tindall.

Harold’s employers included Eastern Aircraft, which made the Grumman Bomber during World War II; Princeton Theological Seminary; and the Princeton public schools, where he served as head of buildings and grounds.

During his time at the Seminary, Harold met and became personal carpenter to Albert Einstein.  Harold’s first work was the rebuilding of the Einstein home back steps.  For that job, he was paid $48.15 with a personal Einstein check, which he still has!

On his 104thbirthday, Harold posed with the cornerstone of the neighboring Grinnell-Newburg Schools Davis Elementary School.  The school was built in 1917, way after Harold was born!

Founded in 1950, the Mayflower Community is the only healthcare provider in Poweshiek County offering Medicare certified nursing and skilled nursing care, licensed memory support nursing care, certified assisted living, and licensed residential care, all on one campus.  More than 280 people make their homes in the Mayflower Community’s independent living apartments, assisted living apartments, patio homes, health center, and the new Watertower Square apartments.  More information is available at mayflowerhomes.com, or by calling 641-236-6151.