Grinnell-Newburg Weekly Update: May 14, 2021


Weekly Update: May 14, 2021

Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families, and Friends: 

Happy Friday! In just a few short weeks, we will be closing the 2020-21 school year! There is still a lot to do before June 4. Please continue to encourage your student to finish strong over the next few weeks. I know that there are many fun events planned and one of them is this evening for our 4th graders at Davis Elementary School. I look forward to joining our 4th-grade students! Let’s hope the rain holds off for you!

Pfizer Vaccine Clinic for students ages 12 and up:

This notice is being sent out to all families via Infinite Campus today as well as through your school’s daily announcements. Please use the link that was sent to you through one of those communications.   

Dear Middle School and High School Families:  The Grinnell-Newburg School District is collaborating with Hy-Vee, and the Iowa Department of Public Health to host a Pfizer vaccine clinic for students ages 12 and up. The dates are tentatively set for June 1, 2, or 3 depending upon requests. Pfizer vaccine has a 21 day waiting period before receiving the second dose that will be administered the week of June 21.   

In order for Hy-Vee to order the vaccine, they have asked for us to do an interest survey to estimate the number of vaccines that they should order for our students. Please complete the questionnaire by May 20, 2021 (Sent to your IC email, or found in daily announcements).  It will close at the end of that day. We will then share our information with Hy-Vee and schedule the clinics on either June 1, 2, or 3 after school at Grinnell High School depending upon the number needed. We will not be collecting email addresses as this is an interest-only survey. 

**Reminder to incoming seniors and 7th-grade students who need the required meningitis vaccination – Public health has advised that there should be at least two weeks between a covid vaccination and any other vaccination, otherwise the effectiveness of either one may be decreased.

Board Update:

This past week our Board of Directors discussed the ESSER federal funds to assist in developing academic skills for students due to COVID closures and continue our efforts to mitigate COVID. The priorities for funding may be found on the May 12, 2021 Board agenda. We will begin posting positions early next week for existing teachers to take on leadership roles in the areas of Social and Emotional Learning and Curriculum. Other positions that will be posted will be: 4th-grade teacher, a facilitator for special programs that will focus on attendance in grades 5-12 as well as focus on facilitating the SEL work, and other special education facilitation, Elementary math facilitator to build capacity in the area of math K-4, and specially designed instruction team facilitators for students with disabilities. Other items approved include Yoga for schools K-8 to focus on mental health and relaxation techniques, books and supplies for our libraries to enhance reading and literacy, an after-school program for GMS students, and COVID relief-related insurance costs. We are waiting on our facilities assessment to determine what we can do to enhance air quality. These dollars are temporary and over the next two years, our goal is to build teacher capacity to enhance instruction while meeting the needs of our students who are at varying levels.   

Knocked Your Socks Off!

Please consider sending an email to to nominate a staff member who has knocked their socks off! Each week we continue to share these amazing stories of staff members whose nominations have been considered for the award. We have had many and will continue to share these stories throughout the school year weekly. This week we are sharing two recipients!

Justin White Congratulations, you have knocked your socks off! Justin was nominated this week and it read, “Justin is a caring teacher and positive role model for his students and colleagues. He is our go-to person to problem solve to meet the needs of our students.   Justin is a team player, assists any colleague in need, communicates effectively, and cares about every student at Davis Elementary School. Justin has the best interest for every student that he greets each day! We are so grateful that he is a part of our Davis Team”. When speaking with Justin this past week, I asked him what brings him joy in his classroom, “being connected to students especially those who may struggle with learning. I like to see the excitement when students find success. I really work hard for the greater good of all. I enjoy being a team player and focus on instructional practice to help students succeed. I really enjoy our kids”. Way to go Justin! 

Amy Skouson: You too have knocked your socks off! Amy’s nomination read, “Amy is one of the teachers who is a kid magnet. She has developed the Family Consumer Science program to be engaging, exciting, and project-oriented to serve others. Students want to be a part of it and enjoy the hard work, dedication, and commitment to a rigorous curriculum that develops confidence and a sense of achievement. Her students love being in her room. She cares deeply about each of them and fosters a love for learning”. Amy shared, “ I am a person who can get bored rather quickly therefore I look for opportunities for our students with no hesitation. This job allows me to do so many different things while connecting students about being passionate about a cause. Students bloom when they serve others. Students who participated in “making a quilt” project for a refugee bring about joy and accomplishment knowing that they have helped someone. I know that what I do matters, and students also see that they matter too. This is the highest level of learning for students”! Amy you rock! Congratulations!  Amy recently completed her National Board Certification and will be recognized next week at the National Board Certification Breakfast along with her colleagues who completed it too!  

The High School Robotics Team robot is on display at the District Office! Stop by if you want to take a look. The robot will be on display until May 20.

Drake Community Library hosts four “Global Storytime” Sessions with Grinnell College Students

In partnership with Drake Community Library, Grinnell College students will be leading four free virtual storytime sessions this spring. All storytimes are open to all ages, no previous language experience necessary! Grinnell College students will guide participants in reading stories from four different regions in four different languages, and lead interactive hands-on multi-cultural activities.

Participants can call (641) 236-2661 to pick up a free activity bag which includes a paper passport to complete at each storytime.

All sessions are at 10:30 am, CST.

April 3rd – Hindi Storytime

April 10th – Arabic Storytime

May 15th – Spanish Storytime

May 22nd – French Storytime

Zoom Link:

For more information contact:

Kayley Rönnkvist, Global Storytime Coordinator –

Karen Neal, Drake Community Library Assistant Director –

Go Tigers:

It has been quite a week for our Tigers as they prepare for their journey beyond high school.  Congratulations to all who have signed on with various schools to continue their athletic goals!   Below are a few snapshots of our athletes and their families!  

Grinnell Golf Team Update from Coach Comiskey:    

On Monday, May 10th the boy’s golf team placed 4th, one shot out of 3rd. Cole Mcriff placed 3rd (77) and Nathaniel Zug placed 10th (82), both earning all-conference honors. Way to go Tigers!

Upcoming events:

Friday, May 14th
B Golf Sectionals- Knoxville 10 AM
B JV/V Soccer @ Boone- 5:30
V Baseball Scrimmage vs LS- 6:30
V Softball Scrimmage vs LS- 6:30
GHS Spring Choir Concert- 7:30
Sat. May 15th
B Tennis Sub-State- Oskaloosa 9AM
G Tennis Reg Team- Grinnell 9 AM
G Soccer @ Nevada Tourney- 9 AM
Monday, May 17th
G Golf Invite @ Tama/Toledo CC- 9AM
G Tennis Invite- 3 pm Albia, Ballard, Nevada
Tuesday, May 18th
G JV/V Soccer vs Oskaloosa- 5:30 SENIOR NIGHT
B JV/V Soccer @ Oskaloosa- 5:30
Weds May 19th
G Tennis Regional Tourney
Senior Band Award Night- 7 pm
Thursday, May 20th
B Soccer SubState- vs Hudson at Ahrens
B/G State Track- Drake Stadium
G JV/V Soccer @ Carlisle- 5:30

Have a wonderful weekend!  



Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg School District

Amber RobsonAdministrative Assistant to the SuperintendentGrinnell-Newburg Community School District