Grinnell Mutual Group Foundation Makes Matching Gift Challenge to the St. Francis Manor Foundation’s Automatic Door Locking System Campaign


Grinnell Mutual Group Foundation Board members issued a $25,000 matching gift challenge to help finish raising funds for St. Francis Manor Foundation’s automatic door locking system campaign. Standing outside one of the doors to be replaced are (back) Morgan Fraker and Darwin Klenk, St. Francis Manor staff coordinating the project; (front) Glenyce Conway, St. Francis Manor Foundation Board Treasurer; Gary Downey, St. Francis Manor Board Member and retired Grinnell Mutual employee; Clinton Follette, St. Francis Manor Foundation Board Chair; and representing the GMG Foundation Board are members Barb Baker, Todd Milburn, Michelle Papendick and Mandy Hudnut.

 (Grinnell, IA – December 6, 2024)  Grinnell Mutual Group Foundation has generously issued a $25,000 matching gift challenge to the St. Francis Manor Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, to help raise the remaining funds needed for installation of an automatic door locking system for the main building on the St. Francis Manor campus.

“For the security and safety of our nursing home residents, assisted living tenants, elderly independent living apartment residents, and our staff, an automatic locking system for the outside doors of our main building has been a priority of our Board Members for the last two years,” said Clinton Follette, Chairperson of the St. Francis Manor Foundation. “The estimated cost of this project is $191,000 of which we’ve raised $139,175 to date leaving $51,825 needed to complete this campaign.”

“We feel very blessed that the Grinnell Mutual Group Foundation has provided this matching gift challenge which will double the impact of donors’ gifts.  We hope their leadership commitment will help encourage many greater Poweshiek County community residents to step up in support of this project to raise the remaining funds by March 31, 2025,” continued Follette.

“We are very grateful to the Grinnell Mutual Group Foundation members for their support of this project,” said Executive Administrator Dion Schrack.  “We also appreciate the many years that Barb Baker, Director of Advertising and Community Relations for Grinnell Mutual, has volunteered on the St. Francis Manor Foundation Board, serving on its Executive Committee for a majority of those years and as chairperson.  Thanks are also extended to Grinnell Mutual Assurance Analyst Lindsey Warnick and retired Grinnell Mutual Director of Corporate Loss Control Gary Downey for currently serving on the St. Francis Manor Board of Directors.”

Checks to benefit the Automatic Door Locking System Campaign should be made payable to “St. Francis Manor Foundation” and dropped off or mailed to 2021 4th Avenue, Grinnell, IA 50112. For more information about this project, contact Executive Administrator Dion Schrack at 641-236-7592.