First Bucket Course for 2023 | “What is Writing For?” 


When we went to school, we may have viewed writing as producing something that a teacher or professor would judge.  In recent years, those who teach writing have adopted a view of writing that goes far beyond that limited view.

The first Bucket Course of the 2023 spring semester will feature Dr. Tisha Turk, Director of Academic Support for Writing and Speaking.  Dr. Turk will speak on the topic “What is Writing For?”  Her talk will explore how writing teachers currently understand what purposes writing fulfills.

The course will occur on January 25, 2023 from 10:00-11:30 am in the Caulkins Room of the Drake Community Library.  The Bucket Courses are open to everyone in the community; no preregistration or fee required.  Donations toward refreshments are welcome.

In her role as head of the Grinnell College Center for Speaking and Writing, Dr. Turk meets one-on-one with student writers.  In addition, she oversees the Writing Mentors, students assigned to individual classes to work with students in that class as they draft and revise their writing.  Dr. Turk trains the Mentors and works with faculty to place them in classes.  In addition, she collaborates with the other professional instructors who work in the Center, and she consults with faculty across the curriculum about how best to assign and respond to writing in their classes.

Dr. Turk says of her career, “I love watching students figure out how to have healthier, happier, more satisfying relationships with their own writing.”  During her talk, she plans to encourage questions and comments.

Members of the sponsoring Community Education Cooperative include Grinnell Regional Medical Center, Grinnell College, Drake Community Library, Grinnell-Newburg School District, Grinnell Area Arts Council, Mayflower Community, Grinnell Education Partnership, Read to Lead, and Iowa Valley Community College.  Videos of previous Bucket Courses are available on the YouTube channel Grinnell Community Education Cooperative.  The website for the Bucket Courses is

For more information, contact Judy Hunter