Fill the Bus and Boxes


Help Iowa Realty Grinnell and The Iowa Realty Foundation Fill the Bus and Boxes with new school supplies now through Saturday, Aug. 6! You can drop off new supplies for Grinnell-Newburg students at Pagliai’s Pizza in Grinnell! 
Other drop off locations include the Iowa Realty Newton office at 736 N. 3rd Ave. E. (look for the school bus!) and these area businesses:

Arabella By Kate Salon – Lynnville
La Rose Marie Bakery – Sully
Salon Essence (106 N. Commerce) – Monroe (PLUS – Box will be at the Monroe Old Settlers Tent on Aug. 6!)
Spring City Pharmacy – Colfax
Goldie’s Ice Cream Shoppe – Prairie City

Suggested items to donate are:  Backpacks, #2 pencils, erasers, notebooks, notebook paper, crayons, binders, pocket folders, scissors, pens, markers, glue sticks, highlighters, colored pencils, rulers, sanitizing wipes, tissues. (Visit the school district websites to access their specific school supply lists!)