Weekly Update from GNCSD Superintendents Office: Friday, September 6, 2019


Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families and Friends:

Happy Friday!  What a beautiful start to my morning today.  I had an opportunity to ride bus 6 with one of our amazing bus drivers, Brad Shutts, to the Northeast Corner of the district.   What a wonderful bus ride. Watching the sun rise, deer running through the fields, greeting students, and the feeling of the morning crisp air paved the way to a perfect day.   What I especially enjoyed was the many “thank you” comments from our students to their driver as they exited the bus. Our bus drivers are simply amazing. Be sure to remind your students to thank their driver for getting them to and from school safely each day.   We are very fortunate to have this awesome crew who take such pride in their work.    

Board Update:

The Board of Education meeting will be held this Wednesday, September 11 at 6:00 PM in the boardroom.  In years past this was the organizational meeting following an election. However, this year the School Board election will be held in November.   Therefore, the agenda items are few. The superintendent’s report will include: construction updates from ESTES, above and beyond award, approximate student count, SIAC’s meeting update on goals, broker selection update, and the dates in which representatives from our schools will present to the Board. 

SIAC Meeting:

There will be a SIAC (School Improvement Advisory Committee) meeting on September 11, 2019 beginning at 5:00 PM in the High School Library to review district goals and provide feedback prior to Board approval.   Our hope is to move this activity for SIAC to April of next year prior to summer planning. The following dates have been scheduled for SIAC this year: September 11, November 6 (facility update and feedback)  February 12, (feedback on our relationship activities) April 22, (Goal setting feedback).

Davis Students Learn about Iowa’s History:

Davis students got to experience the Iowa History Mobile Museum and learn a great deal about the great state of Iowa. Below are some pictures of this event. Thanks goes out to the Grinnell Lions Club for making this happen!

Davis Farmers Market Activity: This afternoon the Davis Elementary Students participated in learning more about the market!  This was sponsored by the Iowa State Extension Office. 

Fairview Buddy Bench:

The Buddy Bench is a wonderful way to make new friends! 

Also at Fairview, students practiced emergency bus evacuation procedures today!

Bailey Park Recognition Program:

Bailey Park Elementary started a new student recognition process called the Good News Call of the Day. Students will be nominated by any staff member for displaying good character, helping others, and being a great addition to Bailey Park. We will then recognize one student each day by taking their picture and calling their parents to share how much we love having their student at Bailey Park! Below are the students that were nominated for the Good News Calls last week.

Chess club started at GMS. 

Missed it? Chess club meets on Wednesdays at 7AM at Grinnell Middle School. Don’t know how to play? We will teach you!!! 

Help Support the Grinnell-Newburg School District:

1¢ per gallon of gas purchased at Almost Always Open will be donated to the Grinnell Newburg School district.

PTO Hosts Kindergarten Picnic in Central Park!  

Thank you to our PTO for supporting our students and staff!  Kindergartners and their families had a great time!

Be sure to check out the Virtual Backpack!

Upcoming Events:

Friday, September 6

4:45    9th Grade Football

7:30    Varsity Football @ Home

Sunday, September 8

7:00    Connected PTO @ Davis

Monday, September 9

6:00    JV Football @ North Polk

Tuesday, September 10

4:15    Middle School Cross Country Invitational

4:30    7th Grade Volleyball @ Home

5:15    JV/V Cross Country Invitational @ Ahrens 

5:30    8th Grade Volleyball @ Home

5:30    9th Grade Volleyball @ Newton

5:30    JV Volleyball @ Newton

7:15    Varsity Volleyball @ Newton

Wednesday, September 11

6:30    Cub Scout Recruitment Night @ Bailey Park

Thursday, September 12

5:00    9th Grade Volleyball @ South Tama

5:30    Varsity Girls Swimming Meet @ Des Moines East High

6:30    Cub Scout Recruitment Night @ Fairview

Have a fabulous weekend!


Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg School District