Third in a Series – “Power Up: Financial Fitness for Women”


SHE Counts will be putting on the third of four in our series titled “Power Up: Financial Fitness for Women” on Friday, September 27th  from 12 – 1 pm in the Community Room at Drake Library.  The Power of Investing and Preserving – Making Smart Choices with Your Money When Dealing with Life Events (Marriage, New Home Purchase, Parenthood, Divorce, Death and Retirement). Panelists include Jenny Bos – Farm Bureau Financial Services, Jessica Dillon – Triangle Financial Services, Natalie Pavey – Cirks Financial Services. Lunch provided by S. H. E. COUNTS from a local woman owned restaurant. Free Childcare at the Library Children’s room. RSVP to the Ahrens Foundation for childcare at 641.236.5518 soon as spaces will fill quickly.