LINK Mentoring Plans First Bowling Event for Saturday, April 10


Planning is underway for the first LINK Mentoring annual bowling tournament (formerly Grinnell’s Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake). This year’s event, with the theme “The Gutterball Year” will be held virtually via Facebook on Saturday, April 10 at 11 a.m.

Proceeds from this event benefit the LINK Mentoring program, which is a newly formed one-to-one mentoring program for Grinnell students in kindergarten to 8th grade. The program was previously part of Big Brothers Big Sisters, but this summer switched to partner with the local LINK program under the direction of Chad Nath. LINK Mentoring matches individual children with carefully screened adults, college and high school students in their school-based and e-mentor programs. Due to COVID, the mentors and students are currently meeting via Zoom over the lunch hour.

Bill Kostow, co-chair of this year’s event with Francesca Cunningham, indicates the group has put a lot of thought into the event and how to host it safely. “Our program is funded by grants and the support of our community, and this is our one big fundraiser for the year,” says Kostow. “This year has been such a struggle for so many non-profits, particularly those of us that typically hold in-person fundraising events. Our group really wanted to host a bowling event, but we realized it isn’t quite safe to do so yet. So we’ve come up with an alternative that we hope everyone really enjoys. And all proceeds go to a great cause.”

Individuals may sign up for $60 per person, or you can sign up a team of five “bowlers” for $300. Each member will get a custom designed event t-shirt, two coupons for free games of bowling at the Grinnell Bowladrome to use at a later date, and a chance to win a variety of fabulous door prizes. T-shirts and coupons will be delivered prior to the April 11 Facebook Live event. Participants do not need to be present on the Facebook Live to claim door prizes.

 “This is always a very fun event, and we are looking forward to being able to see our supporters during the Facebook Live event. And while this year is a truly Gutterball Year, we are still hoping to make the best of it and we look forward to hosting an in-person event in 2022,” notes Cunningham. 

Local businesses sponsoring this year’s event at the platinum level are Claude W. Ahrens Charitable Trust, Grinnell College and Grinnell Mutual. Additional event sponsors include Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation, Grinnell Herald Register, and Total Choice Shipping and Printing.

All money raised during the event supports the newly formed LINK Mentoring program and activities for Grinnell-Newburg students.

Anyone interested in participating in the annual bowling event should contact Sandy Motta at 641-821-0208 or email