Grinnell Veterans Memorial Building Awarded Grant


Grinnell Veterans Memorial Building Awarded Grant

December 2, 2021 (DES MOINES) – At today’s meeting, the Enhance Iowa Board awarded $5,168,458 in Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) grants to projects in Adair, Creston, Davenport, Decorah, Epworth, Fort Madison, Grimes, Grinnell, Hartley, Keokuk, Marshalltown, Nevada, Sioux Center, Spirit Lake, Waukee and Woodbine.

Project Name: Grinnell Veterans Memorial Building Renovation, Grinnell
Total Project Cost: $1,913,068
Amount Awarded: $350,000
Project Description: This project involves the renovation of the Grinnell Veterans Memorial Building to house a national artist residency program focused on veteran artists (non-veterans will also be involved). The building will be available as a meeting and event space for veterans and community members.

To read the entire list of projects receiving grants see the Iowa Economic Development Board website

The Enhance Iowa Program provides financial incentives to communities for the construction of recreational, cultural, educational or entertainment facilities that enhance the quality of life in Iowa. To date, 99 CAT grants have been awarded by the board, totaling $31,508,183. The next Enhance Iowa Board meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 6 (if board review or action is needed.)

For more information, contact,

Jessica O’Riley, Iowa Economic Development Authority