Grinnell Mutual internship program recognized 


Grinnell Mutual has been named one of  Vault’s 2020 Best 100 Internship Programs  in the country, ranking 11th overall with a score of 9.371.  

Vault, a career research company based in New York, surveyed more than 11,000 interns, who ranked their experience on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being best).   

Interns rated their companies based on six areas: quality of life, compensation and benefits, interview process, career development, full-time employment prospects, and diversity.   

Within the overall rankings, Grinnell Mutual’s program also ranked second in the financial services industry, third in “real-life experience” and fourth in both “overall career development” and “quality of assignments,” and sixth in “quality of life.” 

Grinnell Mutual is proud of the experience it offers co-op students and interns, including competitive wages, flexible work hours, the opportunity to earn school credit, access to senior leadership, and the chance to work across divisions on enterprise-wide projects.  

During 2020, Grinnell Mutual was one of the few large companies that continued its co-op/internship program through the pandemic closures, honoring the offers it extended in the fall of 2019. Each co-op/intern was provided with the necessary equipment and training to do their work remotely. 

“During the transition to working for home, Grinnell Mutual’s senior leaders knew it was especially important to stay true to the company’s core values in such an unsettled time.” said Jeff Vogts, vice president of Talent Development. “Keeping our commitments to our customers and employees is what we do, and we consider these students an important part of our team.”