UnityPoint Health calls for community help with COVID-19


Grinnell, IA – April 1, 2020 – UnityPoint Health (UPH) joins health systems across Iowa in securing enough personal protective equipment (PPE) to meet the needs of health care providers, staff and patients during COVID-19. Grinnell Regional Medical Center (GRMC) is among those working tirelessly to obtain PPE from every channel – government, the private sector, new innovative companies and generous members of the public – to have the protective equipment needed to best support patients and caregivers. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the biggest challenges we’ve faced in modern health care,” says Jennifer Havens, CEO at GRMC. “We’re meeting it head on and continuing to do what we do every day: provide the best patient care possible.”

Below are ways community members can get involved to support GRMC during this unprecedented pandemic.

How YOU can help

Donate Supplies

GRMC is in need of the following new, unopened supplies: 

  • N95 Masks (Model 9210 preferred)
  • Disinfectant wipes/spray (such as Clorox or Lysol) 
  • Exam gloves of all sizes (nitrile or latex is preferred)
  • Cases/packages of gowns

Donate Handmade Gowns

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the generous offers we’ve received from the community to make gowns and masks, and support us in other ways,” Havens says. 

Please visit unitypoint.org/supportgrinnell for the gown pattern details. 

*Note the preferred material for the gowns is 100% polyester. 

Donate Handmade Masks

GRMC will begin collecting and using homemade masks in areas of indirect patient care to help preserve medical-grade PPE supplies. The mask pattern and instructions can be found by visiting unitypoint.org/supportgrinnell. If masks have already been made using another pattern, that’s OK—GRMC will still accept them.

Drop off location:

Public Health

Ahrens Medical Arts Bldg., 1st Floor

210 4th Avenue

Grinnell, IA 50112

(641) 236-2385

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

GRMC Foundation’s COVID-19 Relief Fund

The work of the GRMC Foundation is critical during times like these. The COVID-19 Relief Fund will provide additional resources to patients, families and further support our providers, nurses and team members. Donations may be used to buy meals, gift cards, pay for new scrubs and other support as needed. Please consider making a donation at unitypoint.org/grinnell/crisis-support or mail to Grinnell Regional Medical Center Foundation, Office of Development, 210 4th Ave., Grinnell, IA 50112.

Practice Social Distancing

The most important thing everyone can do is to continue to practice physical, social distancing. Social distancing refers to public health interventions that can help stop infectious disease transmission by avoiding crowds and large gatherings such as weddings, concerts, conferences, sporting events and mass transit. Best practice requires maintaining at least a six-foot distance between yourself and others.

Please reference the latest CDC recommendations for more information on prevention measures and how to protect our communities.