Mayflower Is Canceling Events Due to COVID-19


March 9, 2020

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) professional staff has discussed the latest developments with COVID-19 (“the coronavirus”).  The first three cases in Iowa have now been confirmed, all in the Iowa City area.  More cases are expected in the coming days.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has posted new guidance on its website, encouraging older people (60+) and those with underlying health problems to “stay at home as much as possible.”  Specifically, commercial travel is not recommended.  The CDC says older people are twice as likely to become seriously ill if they become infected with the virus.

Although there is still much unknown about COVID-19, it is believed to be spread person-to-person through droplets.  This means that the air will not infect you.  BUT, all the surfaces where these droplets land are infectious for about a week on average.  Everything associated with infected people will be contaminated and potentially infectious.  You will not be infected unless your unprotected face is directly coughed or sneezed into or unless your hands pass it into your nose, mouth, or eyes.

In addition, influenza A and B are widespread in the Grinnell community.

We are all urged to take precautions like regular washing of hands with soap and water and staying home when we feel sick.  At this time, Mayflower has adequate supplies of sanitary and cleaning products.  Fortunately, COVID-19 can be killed with normal cleansers.

Steve Langerud, Executive Director, and Kellie McGriff, Associate Director/Administrator, have announced that because of these new developments, Mayflower will be canceling or modifying the follow events:

  • Forum (March 10th) – Canceled
  • Walking Group (Tuesdays and Thursdays until further notice) — Canceled
  • Tuesday Chapel (until further notice) – Canceled
  • Kiwanis Club (Tuesday noons until further notice) — Canceled
  • “A Matter of Balance” (class beginning March 11th) – Canceled
  • Community Education Council’s “Bucket Courses” (Wednesdays until further notice) – Canceled
  • Senior Strength (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, until further notice) – Canceled
  • Men’s Coffee Group (Thursday mornings) — Canceled
  • Spring Tea (March 12th) – Canceled
  • Lyceum  (Thursday evenings until further notice) – Canceled
  • Koffee & Konversation (Friday mornings) — Canceled
  • Sunday Morning Chapel (until further notice) – Restricted to Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents only
  • St. Patrick’s Day Dinner (March 19th) – Canceled
  • Club 90 Celebration (not yet announced) – Canceled
  • Carman Center Memorial Services – Will not be available

Now, for the good news!  At this time, Mayflower does not deem it necessary to close the Obermiller Fitness Center (lower level of the Health Center).  It is cleaned regularly by staff.  In addition, users are asked to wipe down any equipment they will be touching and to use hand sanitizer upon departure.

Founded in 1950, the Mayflower Community is the only healthcare provider in Poweshiek County offering Medicare certified skilled nursing care, certified assisted living, and licensed residential care, all on one campus.  More than 280 people make their homes in the Mayflower Community’s healthcare, independent living apartments, patio homes, and the new Watertower Square apartments.  More information is available at or by calling 641-236-6151.